Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Owl Puke

Owl Puke

Today I took owl puke and reconstructed  a mouse out of it.

Lab Report 
1. Length 7 cm; width 3 cm
2. Weight 6 grams
3.The characteristics are bone, fur,and black.
4. My owl pellet had straw and grasses w means that the owl lived in a barn on a grass field.
5. I think there will be bones inside.

 I was picking out the bone.

 I was going through the fur.

The skeleton

The skeleton and extra bones. I found 5 heads! I identified it as a mouse(class mammalia, order rodentia, family muridae, genus mus).

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Can You Cook It?

Will cookies cook in the car? 


  • cookies
  • car 
  • pan
put then cookies on the pan .

Did it work?
No ,it needs to be 350 degrees Fahrenheit (they don't taste good-gummy!)
Next time I would make a solar oven.

Can you cook an egg on the side walk?
  • egg
  • side walk
  • spatula
Put an egg an the side walk

Did it work?
no it needs to be 158 Degrees farenhight
The Library of Congress page notes above said it needs to be warmer
Next time I would of put tin foil underneath.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Rock Eater: Will the Vinegar Destroy the Chalk?

The Purpose is to demonstrate the effect of acid on rock statues.

I think the vinegar will leave a chunk of chalk in the jar.



  • chalk 
  • vinegar
  • glass

  • Fill the glass a quarter full with vinegar
  • Add a piece of chalk to the glass
  • Observe results


  • The first time only a little chalk turned into powder, so I did the experiment again. the second time the same thing happened.
  • I tried inside chalk and vinegar out side and inside but that did not change it.
  • I tried small pieces  but that did not change it
  • In each experiment bubbles came up.
video of bubbles

What I Learned

  • Experiments are not text book perfect
  • Vinegar does not destroy rock
  • A stronger acid might work
What else can this be applied to

Acid rain, another weak acid
chalk without vinigar

chalk with vinigar

small pieces                                                                               big piece
small piece 

Thursday, June 20, 2013


First Experiment: Easy Over
The purpose is to demonstrate how hard it is to fold Earth's crust.

It is harder to fold paper when its thick.

  • 1 sheet of newspaper


  • Fold paper in in half until you cant fold any more
  • Record results

  • I folded it 9 times.
  • It became too hard to fold after that.

What I Learned
The Earth's crust is not easy to fold when its thick.

New Experiment: Folds
The purpose is to see where the earth goes when its pressed into the middle.

I think it will  bunch up.


  • a cup of water
  • 4 sheets of  paper towels

  • Stack paper towels
  • Fold towels in half
  • Pour water in the middle
  • Press it into the middle
  • Observe results

The paper towels went into a "n" shape (a wave shape).

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Spoon Pen


To demonstrate a mineral streak.


  • Porcelain tile (use back of tile)
  • metal spoon
  • aluminum can

  1. rub the spoon handle across back of the tile.
  2. write your name with the spoon
  3. rub the aluminum can on the porcelain tile and compare

  • the spoon makes  a dark grey mark.
  • the can makes a silvery mark
  • the spoon is stainless steel.

What I Learned:
A streak test is used by rubbing a metal on to porcelain.

What else can this be applied to:
There are many other things this can be applied to but here are two: welding and finding out what metal you have.